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Tanning law sparks controversy

phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpgBy Staff Writer: Marissa VanDaelen

Being tan is something most people want and strive for. Tanning can actually turn into an addiction for some people. Currently in the state of Michigan, people of all ages can tan in tanning salons. Minors can even do so as long as they have a signed note from their parents giving them consent. However, due to a lot of thinking, Michigan wants to change the law to prohibit salon owners from allowing minors to use tanning devices.

Seeing as how tanning can cause cancer, I think the law is a good idea. I believe it is simply looking out for minors and only trying to prevent them from harming their health.

On the other hand, I’m also one to believe that if it doesn’t affect you, it shouldn’t matter to you. I believe people should do what they wish with their own bodies. But if the law wants to restrict tanning so that minors can’t use tanning devices, I don’t see the big deal. It’s not as if they won’t be able to do it ever. Minors will only have to wait until they’re 18 and they can also still get tan from just being outside. There’s no law that can restrict that.

Using tanning devices will be similar to smoking cigarettes in the aspect that they both won’t allow minors to have anything to do with them. They’re two very different things, but they do both cause cancer. If cigarettes aren’t allowed to be used by minors, then tanning devices shouldn’t be allowed to be used either. According to WebMD, indoor tanners had a 74% increased risk for melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.

I never understood the obsession about being tan. I have nothing against people who spend a lot of time tanning, but there’s definitely so much more minors using tanning devices now-a-days and that’s why there’s a ton of controversy about this possible new law.

Only five states ban the use of tanning beds by minors. More than 30 states regulate the use by minors. There hasn’t been any voting yet on whether or not the law should be implemented but eventually, I feel that more and more states will begin to ban the usage as time goes on.

Even if the law is put into action, there will still be minors who use tanning devices. A lot of people do things that they aren’t necessarily supposed to do. But the law will definitely narrow down the amount of minors doing damage to their skin and reprimand any salon employee that allows a minor to use the facilities. They will also be punishable by a fine for each violation.

In conclusion, the law to restrict tanning could be beneficial. Attempting to reduce the amount of young people using tanning devices is meant to be seen only as a gesture of protection.

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