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    Student interest survey available for all

    Click on the photo to go to Powerschool were the survey is location.
    Click on the photo to go to Powerschool where the survey is located.

    By News Editor: Kayla McClain

    In the eyes of a high school student, there are many curriculums or clubs to get involved in at Howell High School, but there are still plenty of options that the school might not offer for particular interests. That is why Principal Jason Schrock initiated an online survey and encourages all students to take it.

    “This survey are short questions of level of involvement,” Mr. Schrock says. “Results of the survey, in the long run, can allow me to plan with staff to create more enhanced programs, to meet students where they are not connected, and to connect with those who are not servicing.”

    The survey consists of several questions and only takes 30 seconds to complete. The purpose of this is to get a sample of information on how many are interested in other areas of opportunity. Due to the population of the school, the numbers would be positively estimated by the sample survey.

    “Because of the school size, it is best to get them into a community to help school and interest,” Mr. Schrock says. “It’s almost getting a pulse to where the student body is.”

    The results will definitely not take away any curriculum, but will add or advance other activities. The staff will also be involved, and will even benefit from the interests of students.

    The survey is available online on every student’s Powerschool, plus on Howell School’s official website under the Principal’s View page. Mr. Schrock is putting a deadline on the survey as of the next week in order to get the information processed as soon as possible, so make sure to complete it before Friday, Feb. 14 for the best results.

    “I go to so many events that I see students, but I can’t really see how many are involved in those things,” Mr. Schrock says. “I want to look out and reach out to those who are not plugged in, to get them plugged in somewhere, because having a community is very important to be successful here at high school.”

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