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Class holds bake sale for Breast Cancer Awareness

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABy Staff Writer: Marissa VanDaelen

Breast cancer affects one in eight women in their lives. Last week, the Leadership class at Howell High School held a bake sale for Breast Cancer Awareness. The money raised went towards the St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser.

“For the bake sale, I had to make flyers and hang them up. I had to make baked goods, get volunteers, get proposal sheets signed, and I had to get everything approved by all the administrators,” junior Emily Martin says.

Thankfully, Martin had help from other students in her leadership class. Cory Lyons, Savanah Reed, Maddie Discher, Rosalind Duma, and Matt Klann all brought things in and/or donated to support the cause.

“I had a lot of fun. It was cool because I’ve never had to really plan something like this before so it was a cool experience to do that,” Martin says.

Led by Mr. Aaron Metz, the Leadership teacher, the bake sale had a pretty good turnout. Several students around the school purchased items knowing that their money would go towards the fundraiser.

“We raised 132 dollars all together. Not to mention that people were donating baked goods too, so that was nice that they wanted to be a part of that,” Martin says.

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