Written by Staff Writer: Julia Lively

Throughout every high school there are kids who are negatively affected by stress and have a hard time finding a way to cope. Luckily, here at Howell High School there is a new alternative, The Meditation Club. This new club is run by Mr. Jeffrey Talberg and Ms. Meredith Krebs.

“I am just excited to see how this new experience goes,” says AP Psychology teacher Mr. Talberg.

The club will be meeting in Mr. Talberg’s room, Q-5, to discuss coping with stress and meditation techniques.

At every meeting there will be a meditation/yoga instructor, Renee Merrill, who will be leading the way for the exercises and breathing techniques. She is extremely experienced in meditation and yoga and has started a non-profit organization involving meditation and yoga to help deal with daily stressors.

“I think it will be an incredible way for kids to learn how to deal with the stress of everyday life,” says meditation instructor Renee Merrill.

Greta Boyd, who is a junior here at HHS, really pushed the idea of a meditation club to Mr. Talberg in the first place.

“I feel like it is a healthy way for kids to deal with stress and I am just really excited to learn more about meditation and see if it truly helps,” says Boyd.

To learn more information about this new and upcoming club, students can contact either Mr.Talberg or Ms. Krebs.