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Flu spreads throughout student body; many students missing school

germsBy Staff Writer: Tricia Tucker

As if it wasn’t enough that fall allergies have already hit their peak, the super flu is spreading throughout the community and schools of Howell.  Classes consist of multiple empty desks, while students cough their way beneath their covers.

During the week of Sept. 16, 505 students were absent at Howell High School with an excused, medical, or ill excuse.  The majority of these absences were a result of the flu.  This virus is spreading through the halls with no pause for traffic.  Many students are not even aware that they have the flu; they believe they simply have a long lasting cold, until that wretched stomach ache hits.

If you feel sick in any way, and feel you may be coming down with something, it may be helpful to be aware of the symptoms of the flu.  There are many, however, so keep in mind that not all may apply.


  • Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit of higher (does not occur with everyone.)

  • Simply feeling feverish

  • A cough

  • Sore throat

  • Runny or stuffy nose

  • Headache

  • Aching body

  • Chills

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea

Howell High School offers a variety of class options, some of which are very difficult and at a higher, college level.  Many students refuse to miss a day of school, even if they feel sick.  Otherwise, they would get behind on their school work, miss notes, and maybe even a test.  Staying home results in extra work for the student when returning to school.  As a result, students who may have the flu come to school even when they are sick, coughing their germs throughout the air and their mucus contaminating desks and doorknobs and pencil sharpeners.  To be sure not to catch this “super flu,” be cautious of all of your surroundings and actions.  Germs can be spread in various ways:

By touching your nose, mouth, eyes, or hands to other

Germs can be spread by sneezing, coughing, or even rubbing the eyes, and then can easily be spread to others.  If a healthy person comes in contact with the cough or sneeze of a contagious person, most likely that person will be infected with the flu virus.

Hands to food

If a food preparer is sick and does not wash his/her hands, then their germs will be transmitted to the prepared food by their non sanitized hands.  If one is sick, they should wash their hands regularly.

Food to hands to food

Germs can also be transmitted to foods by a touch of a non sanitized hand.  If one who is contaminated with the germ prepares a salad, then the germ is transferred to the salad and to whomever else touches it.

Personal contact

Any bodily contact can transfer the flu virus; such as anything from shaking hands to kissing. Also, being within six feet of someone infected with this virus can also transmit the virus to you.

Respiratory droplets

Coughing or sneezing can be propelled through the air, and if landed anywhere near your face, you will get the virus.

Students in Howell High School are dropping like flies when it comes to the flu. About one sixth of the students have been affected by this virus. Be aware of your surroundings and be sure to stay sanitary; wash your hands frequently to avoid contact with this wretched virus.

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