Starbucks, stop trying to eat Christmas!


The most recent scandal in the high-end coffee industry has revolved around Starbucks’ highly controversial decision to market plain red cups this winter rather than the usual festive designs from past years.

Starbucks is trying to ruin Christmas. At least, that’s what the critics believe.

This so called “war on Christmas” is just one example of a much larger issue: the debate between wishing people a “Merry Christmas”, or the more politically-correct “Happy Holidays.”

The true meanings of the holidays have been lost among this unnecessary dispute. Around this time of year, the focus should be about cherishing each other and being grateful for what we’ve been given.

Nonetheless, it is important for the individuals who are offended by red cups and “Happy Holidays” to remember that Christmas is not the only holiday in the winter months. Between Nov. 1 and Jan. 15, there are 29 holidays observed by 7 of the world’s major religions, including Hanukkah, Ramadan, and Kwanzaa. Saying “Happy Holidays” allows people to spread good cheer to one another, regardless of their religious faith.

However, those who pass on a friendly “Merry Christmas” are most likely not trying push their religion upon others. Rather, they are simply being cordial in light of the holiday season.

Many Howell High School students will understand the struggle of working in retail and being required to tell customers “Happy Holidays” after they have completed their purchase. Students who may be accustomed to wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” may slip-up in their speech and awkwardly offer a “Merr- Happy Holidays!” Furthermore, it is not uncommon for customers to respond in an uncivilized way: haughtily snapping “It’s Merry Christmas”, or simply giving a derogatory look before stalking off.

The meanings of these two greetings are practically identical. Each is simply expressing kindness and good tidings during the chilly winter months. Rather than turning turning this irrelevant cultural difference into conflict, it would be incredibly more beneficial to the good of humankind to embrace the true meaning of the holidays.