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Point/Counterpoint: Believing in Santa, healthy or dangerous?

Belief in Santa Claus adds to the magic of the seasonSanta_Claus

By Staff Writer: Travis Waker

The belief in Santa Claus is good for kids because of how it makes children feel on Christmas morning and the anticipation the night before on Christmas Eve of what is to come the next morning. If little kids knew the truth they would not react as well and their happiness would not be as genuine on that morning. They would not feel as excited without the character of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus is desirable for children because of his overall image. The holidays are a happy, worry free time for all ages, a time where people can put their everyday problems behind them and have a fantastic time. The belief in Santa Claus only adds to this image. He is portrayed as a man who is jolly all the time and makes toys for kids all year long. Without this, kids would not be able to put their hard times behind them. They would not have hope of better things to come. That is how the overall image of Santa Claus helps kids have a better outlook on Christmas and the holidays as a whole. They have the opportunity, to get away from the reality of real life, no matter how bad their particular situation is.

Another reason that Santa Claus is a pleasant belief is because kids increase their expectations. Maybe they wanted a certain toy all year long but their parents won’t buy it for them for whatever reason. As it gets closer and closer to Christmas the child has a better attitude because they think that Santa Claus will somehow bring them the toy they have always wanted, which is the reason why they are excited on Christmas morning.

Overall, the belief in Santa Clause is a necessary element in children’s lives because he gives children hope and excitement, something they might not get from their parents.

Belief in Santa is an unnecessary evil

By Staff Writer: Tricia Tucker

When I was little, I couldn’t wait for Christmas morning.  Filled with family, fun, presents and Santa Claus, Christmas morning was the best time of the year.  I idolized Santa.  My mom and I would stay up late each Christmas Eve baking chocolate chip cookies for him; we would then leave a glass of milk and a piece of celery along with it so that the snack wasn’t too unhealthy.

Little did I know that all those cookies I made were being digested by my parents.  I believed in Santa until I was about ten years old.  I never found out that he was a fake, my dad told me because he felt I was too old to believe in such a ridiculous thing like that.  Well, I was devastated, and I think I speak for every other child out there that looked up to Santa.  The fact is this: lying about a magical man that delivers presents once a year to good boys and girls is loathsome and needs to be ceased.

Noticeably, Santa Claus is quite intruding and eerie, as well as a bad role model.  He is a tall, fat man who wears one outfit all year.  He has a long, untrimmed, white beard to match his hair.  Besides his looks, Santa is known for climbing down children’s chimneys late at night.  He sneaks into their home, eats cookies with milk, and then sneaks back out before being noticed.  Now, I don’t know about you, but this sounds much like a burglar to me.

Ever heard the song Santa Claus is Coming to Town?

He sees you when you’re sleeping,

He knows when you’re awake,

He knows if you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake.

By allowing children from around the world to hear this song, parents are basically telling their children that there is a big, powerful man that is watching them at every waking moment.

Also, children are scared of Santa.  They’re terrified of this man with glasses glaring at them as they are forced to sit on his lap and take a picture with him.  Yes, they look forward to him on Christmas Day, but only because he brings them presents.  It’s like a man bribing children with candy from the back of his van.  Yes, the child sees him as creepy, but looks forward to achieving the candy that the man is holding out to him.  Actually, there is even a Facebook page titled Santa Claus is Creepy. This page has multiple “likes” and is filled with comments from adults who also feel that Santa Claus is a bad, misguided, twisted, fictional character.

Now, the main point is this: children are nagged and nagged by their parents not to lie.  Yet, they are lied to all year.  “Be good, or Santa isn’t going to bring you any presents on Christmas.” Many parents play this line on their children.  When children finally find out that Santa Claus is a made-up tale, the rule of telling the truth is erased because not even their parents can follow it.  Therefore, this can lead to an increase in lying among children.

Overall, Santa Claus is a magical, fictional character that is not necessary. He is simply a lie to children from around the world, known for stalking them at every moment.  He is used as a threat towards children’s’ behavior and increases lying among children.  It is time to end the façade: No, Virginia, there is no Santa Claus.

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